Discover a Powerful Method for Activating Your Pineal Gland Using Advanced Vibrational Harmonic Brainwave Coherence Technology
Research Has Shown That The Pineal Gland Becomes Highly Activated When Exposed to Special Resonant Sound Frequencies and During Deep Meditation in the Gamma Brain Wave State
The Gamma brain wave state and activated pineal gland are associated with many of the greatest benefits of years of meditation practice such as:
• Expanded spiritual awareness
• Enhanced intuitive abilities
• Harmonized brain function
• Enhanced neurochemical production
(DMT, Melatonin, Pinoline, Serotonin)
• Enhanced creativity and imagination
• Improved mental performance
• Increased happiness, focus and deep
feelings of peace, centeredness and

Using Special Harmonic Soundwave Technology,
It’s Possible to Effortlessly Create These Sound
Frequencies & Wave Patterns in the Human Brain
Using a special type of audio technology blending special resonant sound frequencies with binaural and monaural beats, which have been proven through years of scientific research to be able to stimulate specific brainwave patterns in listeners , it’s possible to effortlessly recreate the Gamma Wave pattern in the human brain and stimulate the pineal gland itself without having to spend years meditating… In fact, it’s instant.

Discover a Fully Immersive Audio Experience That Effortlessly Activates the Pineal Gland By Bringing the Brain Into the Gamma Wave State & Creating Vibrational Harmonics Deep Within the Brain Itself

Conscious Lifestyle Magazine’s advanced, sound-based Pineal Gland Activation audio is created with our proprietary harmonic brainwave coherence technology combining Gamma wave producing binaural beats with specially designed music that beautifully weaves the sounds of nature with lush, harmonic overtones.
Most importantly, you don’t have to be meditating to experience these benefits. We recommend listening while working, reading, engaging in creative activities or just about anything else you can think of.
And if you do decide to meditate while using the Gamma Wave Sound Healing, you can count on going deeper more rapidly than you ever thought possible.
The Benefits of Pineal Gland Activation
& The Gamma Brain Wave State
When your brain waves are in Gamma harmony and your pineal gland is healthy and active, a number of remarkable things begin to happen…
Enhanced Psychic Abilities and Intuitive Awareness
Modern consciousness researchers and biologists have found a direct link between pineal gland activity and intuitive-psychic ability and many ancient spiritual traditions (Daoism, Hinduism, etc.) believe that the pineal gland is the seat of the mystical third eye, which is responsible for our extra-sensory (psychic) abilities.
Activation of the Pineal gland is associated with enhanced psychic awareness and perception such as the ability to:
1. Receive intuitive insights and guidance
2. Sense and transmit telepathic thoughts
3. Access the higher spiritual (astral) planes
4. See and sense auric fields and
5. Other high-level psychic phenomenon
such as seeing into the future.

Increased Production of Consciousness Expanding
Neurochemicals (Melatonin,
DMT, Serotonin & Pinoline)
The pineal gland is responsible for producing a number of important mood enhancing and consciousness expanding neurochemicals and hormones in the body such as Melatonin, DMT, Serotonin and Pinoline. A healthy, properly functioning pineal gland will produce these important neurochemicals abundantly.
For thousands of years, ancient cultures and spiritual traditions have used sound as one of the primary tools to activate, harmonize and strengthen pineal gland function. The Pineal Gland Activation sound healing uses special harmonic frequencies to create vibration and stimulation in the central brain, where the pineal gland is located.
Meditation and the Gamma brain wave state also have a high correlation with pineal gland activity and function as demonstrated by recent research.
Increased Communication
Between Brain Hemispheres:
Improved Focus, Memory and Mental Performance
Research clearly shows that the Gamma wave state increases neural synchorny and improves communication between the hemispheres of the brain, which is associated with:
• Higher mental functioning and improved mental perfomance and processing speed
• Improved memory and recall
• Enhanced ability to focus and concentrate
• Improved creativity and problem solving skills
• Enhanced learning capacity

Improved Sleep Quality, Depth and Enhanced Vividness and Lucidity
of Dreams
A healthy, well functioning pineal gland produces abundant Melatonin, which is the main hormone in the body which governs the depth, quality and length of sleep.
DMT and Pinoline, which a healthy, activated pineal gland also produces in abundance, have a profound impact on the vividness and lucidity of your dreams as well. As the pinal gland becomes more active, people often report that their dreams becomes richer, more vivid and even lucid and that their sleep quality and depth improves greatly.
Improved Mood: Deep Feelings of Happiness, Joy, Peace, Oneness and Bliss
When you get into the gamma brainwave state, it is extremely common to feel waves of peace, joy, happiness, bliss and oneness with all that is flowing over you.
Research has shown that something special happens when you shift your brain into the gamma wave state either through extensive meditation practice or using a sound-based method like the Pineal Gland Activation: the brains neural network lights up, becomes highly active and begins to release powerful mood-enhancing neurotrasmitters and hormones that make you feel great.

Heightened Creativity,
Enhanced Imagination
and Amplified Sensory Awareness
In the Gamma wave state, communication between your right brain creative processing and your left brain logic centers is harmonized and balanced, which allows you to not only access deeper levels of creativity and inspiration, but also to gain insight into how your visions and ideas can be realized and implemented.
When in the Gamma wave state, creative inspiration, imagination and ideas flow much more fluidly and rapidly. It is an ideal state for artists, writers, performers, designers, healers, highly intuitive individuals or anyone that needs greater creativity and inspiration in their lives.
Increased pineal gland activity has also been shown to produce greater intuitive sensory awareness, giving you a deeper, more profound, lucid and meaningful connection to the people, places and things in the world around you.
Experienced an Energized Calm: Profound Relaxation Without Drowsiness
Imagine feeling both peacefully calm and energized at the same time. Imagine being deeply relaxed and centered without being tired or drowsy. It may seem paradoxical, but its entirely possible. This is the state that advanced meditators are able to slip into with ease and what allows them to stay centered in any situation.
Getting into the gamma wave state regularly trains your brain to be able to access this state at will, allowing you to stop being negatively influenced by the people around you and the circumstances and events of your everyday life. Whenever you need a reset or lift, simply listen to the pineal gland activation with headphones or in the background to get you back into this state of peacefully energized calm.

Instantly Download Your Copy of the Pineal Gland Activation Gamma Wave Sound Healing Now
Ready to experience the shift? Download your copy of the Pineal Gland Activation Gamma Wave Sound Healing by clicking the order button below.
Over 2,371 Satisfied Listeners

Pineal Gland Activation &
Gamma Wave Sound Healing
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Our sound healings are powerfully effective and built on the latest groundbreaking sound healing technology. But in the rare case your not happy with your purchase, know that we’ve got your back.

The Technology Behind The Pineal Gland Activation
Gamma Wave Sound Healing
The Pineal Gland Activation Gamma Wave Sound Healing audio is created with our proprietary harmonic brainwave coherence technology combining Gamma, Theta and Alpha wave producing binaural and monaural beats with specially designed music that beautifully weaves the sounds of nature with lush, harmonic overtones.
The music is designed to produce vibration and stimulation deep within the central brain in the pineal gland region, which has the effect of stimulating, activating and harmonizing the pineal gland itself.

The more frequently you listen to the music, the more noticeable the effects will be.
Binaural & monoaural beat technology, has been extensively researched and proven to be able to guide the brainwave patterns of listeners into various desirable states.
The Pineal Gland Activation uses a 50 hz differential to produce a standing Gamma wave in the brain of the listener, thereby allowing them to receive the benefits of being in this expanded state of awareness.
How to Use The Pineal Gland Activation
Gamma Wave Sound Healing For Best Results
General Listening Guidelines For the
Pineal Gland Activation
1. The Pineal Gland Activation can be used with or without headphones and listened to on any set of speakers.
2. The Pineal Gland Activation can be used as background music to facilitate whatever activity you are engaging in and works particularly well with creative and spiritual activities (Please do not use while driving or operating heavy machinery).
3. The Pineal Gland Activation can be used as often as is desired and the benefits will increase with usage.
Special Pineal Gland Meditation Technique For Maximum Results
While listening to the Pineal Gland Activation audio, sit or lay quietly and comfortably with your eyes closed and focus your attention/awareness on the pineal gland itself (located in the center of your brain). Breathe deeply through your nose as you listen to the music and concentrate on the pineal gland area. This practice works synergistically with the Pineal Gland Activation and will amplify results significantly. However, simply listening to the Pineal Gland Activation track while performing normal daily activities will also produce activation of the pineal gland.
Instantly Download Your Copy of the Pineal Gland
Activation Gamma Wave Sound Healing Now
Ready to experience the shift? Download your copy of the Pineal Gland Activation Gamma Wave Sound Healing by clicking the order button below.
Over 2,371 Satisfied Listeners